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Román Sierra

Nueva York, Nueva York 10022
Roman Sierra

¿Qué es 'Pinterest’ DE TODAS MANERAS?

Marzo 15, 2012, por Roman Sierra, category Redes sociales

Digamos que usted está navegando por Internet y te gusta una foto, usted marcar 'la foto y compartirla con otras personas. Eso es en pocas palabras Pinterest. El servicio permite a los usuarios crear y gestionar temáticas colecciones de imágenes. La declaración de la misión del sitio es “conectar a todo el mundo a través de las "cosas’ que encuentran interesante ".

This service is very popular for people involved in certain fields that incorporate lots of photos in their daily work, like cooking. That’s why the majority of users are female because it became popular while women exchanged food recipes.

It’s not like Flickr, Pinterest is like a Delicious but for images. If you want to increase your social media platform you can add this new tool to your arsenal. However if you are extremely busy, at least for now, you are not missing much and you can really survive without Pinterest. One more thing, you’ll need an invitation to join and there’s a waiting list. So just keep going with your life and come back in a few months.

So, what do you think ?